Magento gives you the ability to back up different parts of the system—such as the file system, database, and media files.

1. Locate target application
Log in to the Control Panel and locate your target deployment on the Home page or the My Applications page.

2. Navigate to the “Site & SSL” page
Click the “Manage” button on the Home page or the My Applications pgae, followed by the “Site & SSL” tab.
3. Enable the Backup function from Magento Admin Panel
Log in to the Magento Admin panel using the credentials, which is shown on the Site & SSL page.

On the Admin sidebar, go to Store > Settings > Configuration. On the Configuration page, go to Advanced > System > Backup Settings. Click Yes at the Enable Backup field, followed by clicking Save Config on the right upper corner.

4. Create a backup

On the Admin sidebar, go to System > Tools > Backups.

In the upper-right corner, click the button for the type of backup you want to create:

System Backup : creates a complete backup of the database and the file system. During the process, you can choose to include the media folder in the backup.

Database and Media Backup: creates a backup of the database and the media folder.

Database Backup: creates a backup of the database.

Click System Backup to back up the website files and database. You’ll be prompted to fill in the backup name.

To put the store into maintenance mode during the backup, select the checkbox.

When the backup is complete, maintenance mode is turned off automatically.

Here is your system backup file. You can download it by clicking the tgz format file. Rolling back to the backup can also be done on the page.

By Phebe

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