When you access the Admin Panel following the update and choose System → Configuration, a fatal error similar to the following one appears in your browser:

Class ‘Mage_Googlecheckout_Helper_Data‘ not found in /var/www/html/magento/app/Mage.php on line 547

How to Address the Error
This error can be addressed easily. The Magento team actually included it as an expected error in their release notes and shared the quick fix. All you need to do is:

  • Close the Magento Admin Panel browser window.
  • Log into your cPanel;
  • Use the cPanel File Manager.
    click on config.html>>Delete

    You will locate the following files in it: adminhtml.xmlconfig.xmlsystem.xmlwsdl.xml, and wsi.xml

    As a user with root privileges, delete all files except config.xml.
    When you log back into the Admin Panel, everything should work as expected.

By Phebe

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